Getting Started

Layout of Elements

Game Layout

The screen is divided into two parts. The left side belongs to the game. The right side belongs to the attempts and results for the given attempt.

These two parts may be of equal width, but they don't have to be. It depends on the game, as not every game requires a large section for the result of the attempt.


The game section is divided into five main parts

Starting the Game

Here you can start the game with default settings

  • Start
    • start the game in basic mode
    • clicking the button will start the game
  • Start Premium
    • start the game in extended mode
    • clicking the button will first display an ad, and after watching the entire ad, the game will start in premium mode
    • the user gets more attempts, more time, and more points. It depends on the game settings
  • Help
    • a simple hint for the given game, category, and difficulty
    • shows the number of points the player can earn after successfully completing the game


Used to configure the game if you don't want to play the default category and difficulty.

  • Difficulty
    • The most important button in the settings
    • There are 6 difficulty levels to choose from (Easy, Medium, Hard, Extreme, Wizard, Impossible)
    • depending on the difficulty level, the number of attempts for the game and the time limit change.
    • Each difficulty level has its own scoring
  • Category
    • Basic setting for each game
    • In word-based games, it determines the main category from which the word will come
    • Each category has its own scoring
    • You can also choose "Mix," and then the word is generated from all available words
  • Subcategory
    • More precisely defines the guessed word within the given category
    • Each subcategory can have several sections
    • If possible, each section has the option to select everything from that section.
    • Each subcategory also has the option to choose everything without having to define the subcategory
      • For example, the main category is "Countries and Cities"
      • the subcategory includes sections
        • countries - you choose whether to guess countries from Europe, America, Africa, Asia, or everything from this section of countries
        • cities - you choose whether to guess cities from Europe, America, .. or everything from this section of cities
        • everything - generates a word regardless of the section, so it could be a city or a country
    • Each subcategory has its own scoring
  • Language
    • Used to define the language of the guessed word and the displayed hint
      • Some words are universal, for example, the word "SKODA" (car brand) is the same in Slovak, Czech, or English
      • Other words, like "Nederland," are different for each language (Netherlands|Holandsko|Netherlands)
    • The language of the game is not dependent on the language of the site
    • Anyone can guess words intended for any language. For example, you can have the site in Slovak and guess English animal names
    • Some words are not related to the chosen language but are used only to display the hint in the given language.
      • For example, the sentence "Veni vidi vici" is neither Slovak nor English
      • It can be displayed if you choose the category of Latin words
      • However, the hint will be displayed in the selected language of the game.
    • Some words are directly related to the given language. In this case, the subcategory is labeled as "local"
      • In the subcategory "local cities" and the language "sk," only cities from Slovakia are generated, not from the Czech Republic
      • In the subcategory "local cities" and the language "cs," only cities from the Czech Republic are generated, not from Slovakia
      • In the subcategory "local cities" and the language "en," only cities from English-speaking countries are generated, currently only from the USA and the United Kingdom

Game Progress

Here the current progress of the game is displayed.

  • Result
    • Displays the guessed word or number in case of a match, or after the game ends, so the user knows what they were supposed to guess
    • The result can also be a link to the meaning of the word. It can be either a specific entry or a general link to search for the word on Google
  • remaining number of attempts
  • remaining time
    • time is only indicative, and the actual time is checked only on the server
  • Hints
    • Available only in some games. For example, in the game Guess the Number, it doesn't make sense
    • The first two hints show the category of the word and the subcategory
      • the hint may or may not match the current category/subcategory (it makes sense if we're guessing a mix of categories and subcategories)
    • The next words (max 2) define the meaning of the word more precisely


Here the fields are displayed that define the length of the guessed number/word/sentence

  • input can be made on the virtual keyboard or by clicking on the field and entering the character on the device's keyboard
  • not every game allows input into the fields. For example, the game "Guess the Sentence" is based on guessing individual letters. It doesn't make sense for the inputs to be editable


Here the virtual keyboard is displayed

  • The method of input and type of keyboard varies depending on the type of game.
  • More information about the game progress is described in a separate section for the given game


This section is dedicated to displaying the tip or possible result for the given tip and statistics

2🟢🟡1 / 25.00%
3🟢🟢🟢2 / 50.00%


  • each row corresponds to the tip
  • The way the tip and result for the given tip is displayed depends on the type of game


Statistics show how many times the game was successfully completed for the given attempt.

  • for the given attempt number, the number of successful guesses and the percentage relative to the total number of attempts is displayed