

Game difficulty for secret numbers

There are 4 basic and 2 advanced difficulty levels available. Each difficulty level has its version for the standard game and for premium.

Basic Difficulty


The easiest. Lots of attempts and plenty of time

  • Standard game: 300 seconds and 8 attempts
  • Premium game: 600 seconds and 10 attempts
  • Valid attempt: any attempt of the required length


Still easy, but not too much. Optimal number of attempts and time

  • Standard game: 300 seconds and 7 attempts
  • Premium game: 400 seconds and 9 attempts
  • Valid attempt: any attempt of the required length


A challenge for advanced players. Limited time, fewer attempts, but it is still possible to enter guesses that don't make sense (in some games).

  • Standard game: 180 seconds and 6 attempts
  • Premium game: 270 seconds and 8 attempts
  • Valid attempt: any attempt of the required length
  • Different evaluation of attempts for the guess the words game. More info in the game description.


A real challenge for connoisseurs. Time is critical, few attempts, valid attempts can no longer be just anything, and the evaluation may show different results than previous difficulty levels.

  • Standard game: 90 seconds and 5 attempts
  • Premium game: 120 seconds and 6 attempts
  • Valid attempt: depending on the type of game, but generally: only valid word according to the guessed category/subcategory
  • Different evaluation of attempts for the guess the words game. More info in the game description.


This is not for everyone.

Minimum time and attempts, which also must take into account the time it takes to enter a valid attempt + the subsequent time for sending, processing, including server evaluation, and re-entering the guess.

Designed for pros like MacGyver, Jean-Luc Picard, Janko Kuna 🖖, ...

  • Standard game: 30 seconds and 4 attempts
  • Premium game: 40 seconds and 5 attempts
  • Valid attempt: depending on the type of game, but generally: only valid word according to the guessed category/subcategory
  • Different evaluation of attempts for the guess the words game. More info in the game description.


Here the fun ends! In word games, 99.9% of players will not be able to send even one valid attempt in the given time, let alone discover the correct word. Can you send at least one valid guess in a word game?

Designed for pros like Ethan Hunt, James Bond, Lenka, Rasťo, and maybe even YOU

  • Standard game: 20 seconds and 3 attempts
  • Premium game: 25 seconds and 4 attempts
  • Valid attempt: depending on the type of game, but generally: only valid word according to the guessed category/subcategory
  • Different evaluation of attempts for the guess the words game. More info in the game description.